Monday, June 29, 2009



A hair style that requires not much work and that we can do ourselves without having to spend a fortune at our hairdresser.

The ‘HIGH BUN’ is our new pony tail, the great thing is it can look neat and glamourous, or messy and soft.

You can be fashionable at the beach or at your local market without looking like you tried to hard! So stock up on those head bands ladies and KNOT away!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleep Pretty x

Hello friends...

A quick tip for the evening before we all snooze away into LA LA LAND..

Girls, we all get lazy,or slightly intoxicated to care or bother about removing makeup before sleep... but it is soooooo important TO DO IT.

Every night before you go to bed you should wash off your makeup. Your skin needs to breathe and makeup does not allow this to happen! Makeup clogs pores and that can lead to pimples or acne. Get into habit of washing your skin before you go to bed, just like brushing your teeth (I TRUELY HOPE WE NOT FORGETTING THAT)

On the up side you not only keeping your skin fresh and healthy,but you keep your pillow nice and clean too! 
Sleep pretty x

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer skin x

This summer, the key to great skin, is healthy and fresh.

Throw out all those heavy conealers and foundations and opt for a more ‘NATURAL’ look.

Bronzers, tinted moisturizes and even creamy peachy blushes will allow you to get that healthy, glowing skin in NO TIME!!

Remember that, LITTLE is MORE... so you do not have to pile on the makeup to get a flawless finish. Moisturize, with a little light foundation or bronzer and pinch your cheeks with a dash of color. LET YOUR SKIN BREATH!

TIP: A foundation with a slight iridescent in it, will give your skin that healthy natural glow.